Club Secretary: Sam Lansdale
Mobile: 07876 444274
Email: secretary@sevenoakstownfc.co.uk
Girls/Ladies Contact: Eoin O'Brien
Mobile: 07703 890594
Email: eoinobrien@msn.com
Manager U11: Eoin O'Brien
Mobile: 07703 890594
Email: eoinobrien@msn.com
Manager U13: Ben Willis
Mobile: 07385 422759
Email: willisjoffjam@gmail.com
Manager U15: Eoin O'Brien
Mobile: 07703 890594
Email: eoinobrien@msn.com
Manager U18: Dan Edwards
Mobile: 07376 963225
Email: djedwards3@outlook.com
Seal Rec, High Street, Seal, Kent TN15 0AF
U12s, U15s and U18s Sevenoaks School, High Street, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 1HU
(Dukes Meadow Entrance to school off the Tonbridge Road) Please note that this is a No DOGS venue
Facilities: Toilets Y Changing Rooms Y Refreshments Y
Colours Home: Blue/Black Away: Green/Black