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Member clubs win big at FA Community Awards
Leigh Willis October 2015
The league management committee is very proud to have 3 of its member clubs, be recognised at the annual FA Community Awards ceremony. The Awards aim to recognise and reward grassroots clubs, coaches and volunteers across the country.
One of our newest member Clubs, Dulwich Village FC, who were awarded both the Charter Community Club of the Year Award 2015 & the FA Regional Charter Community Club of the Year Award 2015 at the recent London FA awards held at Wembley Stadium. Dan Mascoll, who has been instrumental in getting the girls football team set up, also received the London FA Club Volunteer of the Year award.
Anchorians FC, are due to be awarded the Kent FA Charter Community Club of the Year Award 2015, an achievement they were also awarded back in 2013, at the Kent FA’s ceremony at Gillingham FC on 30th November 2015.
Meridian Girls and Ladies one of the league longest serving clubs are to receive the Kent FA Charter Standard Development Club of the Year Award 2015 at the same awards evening.
Congratulations to everyone involved.

Be Mascots at Gillingham Ladies
Leigh Willis September 2015
Gillingham Ladies and the Kent Girls and Ladies League are proud to join forces once more for the 2015/16 season.
After a hugely successful summer for the women and girls game, spearheaded by The Lionesses bronze medal in the Women’s World Cup, back in Kent the hard work continues to develop, grow and promote this part of the beautiful game.
Kent’s highest placed women’s team are linking up with the only Girls and Ladies League in the county to offer its clubs a unique opportunity to be match day mascots in the FA Women’s Premier League.
Gillingham Ladies match day mascots will be selected from the Kent Girls and Ladies League and given a day to remember by the football club.
Starting with a behind the scenes tour and meet and greet with the first team squad in their dressing room, mascots will be invited to watch Gillingham Ladies warm up in preparation for their fixture and walk out with the team to perform the pre-match Respect handshake. Mascots will also perform ball girl duties, close up and involved with all the action on the pitch!
After the game, Gillingham Ladies mascots will each be rewarded with some goodies from the first team as a thank you for their help and support.
All affiliated clubs within the Kent Girls and Ladies League are invited to apply to be Gillingham Ladies mascots.
To apply to bring your team to Chatham Town FC to be Gills Ladies mascots simply email crichardson@priestfield.com with your top three choices of games based on availability and:
Your club name
Squad age group
Why your football club would like to be Gillingham Ladies mascot for the day (maximum 500 words)
First team Manager Jack Wheeler proudly welcomes the news of further development between the club and the Kent Girls and Ladies League.
“I’m well aware of the close relationship we have with the Kent Girls and Ladies League and I think it’s a really good idea to offer this chance to teams across the county. The Kent Girls and Ladies League is one of the best across the whole football landscape in Kent and they’ve won several awards to prove so! To be able to work with them is great for us.”
“Our players love welcoming mascots and all young fans to our game. They understand their responsibility as role models to promote the game and they do a great job, enjoying every minute.”Wheeler added, “From a coaches’ perspective I don’t think there is a better reward or day out to give a young team than to come down and enjoy this kind of match day experience. Not only do the young players interact with the senior team but they get a glimpse into how the women’s game works; from the intensity of the pre-match warm up, the competitive nature FA WPL football and other elements which should hopefully inspire them as individuals and a group for the future.”
“We hope this is something that will appeal to clubs across Kent. Mascots and their families will certainly be given a warm welcome and it is a great, friendly atmosphere on a match day and it would be really rewarding to see more people enjoy it.”Kent Girls and Ladies League Chairman Leigh Willis revealed his delight at the scheme to help boost participation in conjunction with Gills Ladies.
“Gillingham Ladies approached us to see whether the League would be interested in extending our partnership further and we were delighted to. This is a really special opportunity for our clubs. Gills Ladies play the highest standard of football in Kent so to be able to be a part of the match day itself and experience what it’s like is something we want to encourage clubs to go for.”
“We received great feedback from a number of clubs last season that spent the day at Gills Ladies. The club clearly works hard at accommodating mascots and providing an enjoyable and memorable experience for them, so we are so pleased we can offer the chance exclusively to our affiliated clubs.”
Please click here to see a full fixture list of Gillingham Ladies fixtures.
If you have any further questions or enquiries please email crichardson@priestfield.com

Leigh Willis September 2015
Gillingham FC’s Girls Centre of Excellence, the only Centre of Excellence in Kent will be holding a number of FREE coaches workshops this season for coaches and volunteers of grassroots clubs to come and learn more about the Centre of Excellence.
Our First Open evening will take place Monday 28th September and will allow attendees the opportunity to meet the Technical Director and Centre Manager, have a Q&A about the Centre and training programme, then be invited pitch side to watch the sessions.
Wednesday 4th November 2015 6.00pm-8.00pm
@ The Abbey School, London Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8RZ (3G)
Wednesday 2nd March 2016 6.00pm-8.00pm
@ The Abbey School, London Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8RZ (3G)
To find out more or to book a place please contact Centre Manager, Georgia Bowie
gbowie@priestifeld.com or 01634 350125
www.gillinghamfootballclub.com. @gillscommunity

U9 Futsal Festival
Leigh Willis January 2015
2015 kicked off with a major step forward for the league with the U9 Futsal festival. Run over 4 weeks, the festival introduced the girls to fast paced game of Futsal. Thanks to the funding support the league received from the FA, the event has been a huge success, which the league hopes to roll out to other age groups in the near future.
KG&LFL supports "Swearing -Let's Tackle IT" campaign
Leigh Willis February 2014
Kent Girls & Ladies Football League is proud to support the Kent FA Youth Council’s ‘SWEARING – Let’s Tackle It’ campaign.
Supported by members of Kent FA staff, the Youth Council collaborated with Fixers UK, a charity which supports young people across the UK to take action and change things for the better, to orchestrate a campaign tackling foul and abusive language in the game.
From initial concept development to the execution of filming a promotional video, the Kent FA Youth Council has directed the campaign to help eliminate and raise awareness of the negative impact of bad language in football.
Kent Girls & Ladies Football League looks forward to offering our support for this initiative to combat foul and abusive language in the game, as we believe for football in the county to continue to grow in a positive way, such behaviour needs to be tackled. Kent Girls & Ladies Football League are committed to creating safe and inclusive football environments for everyone and as a result fully support the Kent FA Youth Council for bringing this issue to the forefront of grass roots football in Kent.
Please click on the image to watch the Video

Kent Girls & Ladies Football League becomes a Referee Partner League
Leigh Willis August 2013
The Kent FA is delighted to announce that 4 Leagues within the County have been accredited with ‘Partner League’ status, as part of the National Referee Development Programme.
The National Referee Development Programme is an initiative which is committed to training, retaining and developing enthusiastic, committed referees with support and coaching in a safe and constructive learning environment. Each County Football Association, under the leadership of the Referee Development Officer, manage the programme, in co-operation with key volunteers on each of the Leagues.
The East Kent Youth Football League, Kent Girls and Ladies Football League, Medway Messenger Youth Football League and the North Kent Youth Football League have all committed to improving referee development, with a primary focus on assisting in the mentoring of Level 9 Trainee Referees, who are looking to complete Module 4 of the Basic Referee Course. In addition, each League has compiled individual referee development plans, which include training, development opportunities, as well as increasing the percentage coverage of League appointed referees and holding their own Basic Referee Courses.
As part of the Partner League structure, and in co-operation with the Leagues, Referee Development Officer Nick Dunn has created a unique Incentive Scheme, to help reward the work undertaken.
“The work that these Leagues, Clubs, and volunteers, undertake as part of developing referees is invaluable, and deserves recognition. The National Referee Development Programme does not currently allow recognition of the work undertaken, and with this in mind, we have looked to develop our own Incentive Scheme in Kent. These Leagues have committed to assisting in a holistic development programme for all of their Match Officials, from mentoring trainees, to in-service training for more experience referees”.
In addition to these new Partner Leagues, 3 Leagues have also been successful in gaining funding from Sport England, for League Appointment Officers, with the primary focus of increasing the number of matches covered by a qualified referee. The East Kent Youth Football League, Kent Girls and Ladies Football League and the Medway Messenger Youth Football League were all successful in gaining £2,500 each.
“Again, this is a fantastic achievement for these Leagues, and shows how pro-active they have been towards referee development. We are looking to have 100% coverage of fixtures with a qualified referee, and these Leagues were identified as those with low coverage. With these new posts, we hope to build upon the current panel of Match Officials, thus increasing the number of games covered by a qualified referee”.