Club Secretary: Anthony Lowe
Mobile: 07445 116678
Email: anchoriansfcsecretary@gmail.com
Girls/Ladies Contact: Paul Mcdonald
Mobile: 07872 309714
Email: paulmcdonald1965@btinternet.com
Manager U8 Halos: Kate Wood
Mobile: 07305 845886
Email: Katiewood2007@gmail.com
Manager U8 Hearts: Nick Hart-Nibbs
Mobile: 07968 796933
Email: nhartnibbs@gmail.com
Manager U9 Halos: Ricky Planner
Mobile: 07818 604441
Email: rickyleeplanner88@gmail.com
Manager U9 Hearts: Ben Baker
Mobile: 07841 406371
Email: benbaker83@outlook.com
Manager U10 Hearts: Phil Hodgson
Mobile: 07733 027609
Email: Phillip-hodgson@outlook.com
Manager U10 Halos: Bill Gray
Mobile: 07368 691804
Email: billygray2912@hotmail.com
Manager U10 Diamonds: Carla Barrett
Mobile: 07472 214514
Email: carla_1981@hotmail.co.uk
Manager U10 Tigresses: Pete Strong
Mobile: 07701 350322
Email: Strong-e@live.co.uk
Joint Managers U11 Hearts: Simon Taylor & Bob Luff
Mobile: 07948 731409 & 07759 626274
Email: simon-taylor@virginmedia.com & robertluff@icloud.com
Manager U11 Halos: Mark Hopper
Mobile: 07932 038467
Email: markhopper1976@hotmail.co.uk
Manager U11 Diamonds: Emma Simmons & Caz Skelton
Mobile: Emma 07414 528735 Caz 07799 117636
Email: emw1982@yahoo.co.uk caz.skelton@icloud.com
Manager U11 Sapphires: C/O Mark Hopper
Mobile: 07932 038467
Email: markhopper1976@hotmail.co.uk
Manager U12 Hearts: Kelvin Macrae
Mobile: 07701 044350
Email: kelv1801@googlemail.com
Manager U12 Halos: Dan Watson
Mobile: 07758 074445
Email: modtechuk@gmail.com
Manager U12 Diamonds: Gavin Mulder
Email: gavinmulder@hotmail.com
Manager U13 Hearts: Wes Webb
Email: wwebb87@gmail.com
Manager U13 Halos: Deano Irwin
Mobile: 07920 001494
Email: irwinp77@googlemail.com
Manager U13 Diamonds: Nathan Tillett
Mobile: 07730 505961
Email: tillettnathan@gmail.com
Manager U14 Hearts: Andy Willetts
Mobile: 07925 082675
Email: andrew.willetts33@gmail.com
Manager U14 Halos: Ron John & Paul Cook
Mobile: Ron 07903 324411
Email: ronmjohn@yahoo.co.uk paulcook722@btinternet.com
Manager U14 Diamonds: Jay Sockanathan
Mobile: 07950 377053
Email: FrancisD@sullcrom.com
Manager U15 Hearts: Mike Sidwell
Mobile: 07958 558964
Email: Xternalworks@hotmail.co.uk
Manager U15 Tigresses: Wes Webb
Mobile: 07807 493739
Email: wwebb87@gmail.com
Manager U16 Hearts: Steve Mason
Mobile: 07503 912929
Email: themasons97@yahoo.co.uk
Manager U16 Tigresses: Kevin Farley
Mobile: 07736 779528
Email: Kevin_Farley@ferndalefoods.co.uk
Anchorians Sports Club, Darland Avenue, Gllingham, Kent, ME7 3AN
Brompton Academy, Marlborough Road, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5HT
Facilities: Toilets Y Changing Rooms Y Refreshments Y (Anchorians only)
Colours Home: Violet/Black Away: Purple/White/Black
FA National Charter Standard Club of the Year for 2018 is looking for players
Girls will you be in school years 2-11 from September 2022? Do you enjoy playing football and would like to make friends and be part of a team? Then the Anchorians Angels are looking for players for season 22/2023. All abilities are welcome, as we are a club that prides itself on the girls enjoying the game and having FUN! We are an FA 3* Accredited Club, with over 80 FA qualified coaches. If you are interested then please contact: Leigh Willis on 07789501160 or Email info.anchoriansfc@gmail.com